We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advancing an agenda.
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Travel & Insurance claims
Travel & Insurance claims
We are positioned to give you all the legal assistance and advice you need in order to pursue compensation for injuries or damage suffered.

Work Injury Claims
Work Injury Claims
Our professionals can help you with the process of filling out your claim in line with the relevant statutes, in so far as workman's compensation…

Real Estate & Conveyance
Real Estate & Conveyance
We help our clients interact with the respective registries by helping in applying for searches as well as transfers amongst others.

Corporate Law
Corporate Law
Our Portfolio involves incorporation of companies on behalf of our clients, establishing standards for the business concerns and their dealings with government agencies and individuals.

Criminal Law
Criminal Law
We represent our clients who are facing a criminal charge from the point of arrest, plea taking, hearing, submitting on case to answer, defense hearing,…

Legal Defense
Legal Defense
We are seasoned defense attorneys who will ensure the best defenses to claims instituted against our clients.